Dipti & Varun



Jalebi & Rabdi

Dipti and Varun’s love story is a classic case of friends turned lovers turned partners for life. Varun’s funny bone matches Dipti’s crazy sense of humour and they both gel together as naturally as jalebi and rabdi! We were amazed at the level of compassion between the two and their shared love for all things filmy. The wedding was delightful and we had a wonderful time throughout. Dipti’s dull gold lehenga was outstanding and Varun was rocking his pink sherwani like a man. Their willingness to get clicked even when they were drop dead tired was really admirable. 

सुहे वे चीरे वालेया मैं कहनी आ
कर छतरी दी छा मैं चावे बहनी आ

Oh! The One with the rouge turban I say...
Provide me with shade of umbrella I want to sit there

सुहे वे चीरे वालेया
फुल्ल कीकरा दे
कीकरा लाइ बहार
मेले मित्रा दे
कीकरा लाइ बहार
मेले मित्रा दे

Oh the one with rouge turban!!
The flowers on the Kikar (tree)
Are in full bloom
It’s time for friends to meet

कर छतरी दी छा मैं चावे बहनी आ

Provide me with shade for me to sit there

सुहे वे चीरे वालेया
फुल्ल तोरी दा
बाज तेरे वे माहिया
कुझ नई लोर्री दा
बाज तेरे वे माहिया
कुझ नई लोर्री दा

Oh the one with rouge turban!
I pluck a flower
I yearn for you my Love
and no other

मन दी मुरादा आज हो गइया पुरिया

All my wishes came true today
Jalebi and Rabdi

दो अखियाँ ते कोल एयह वादा लेंदी हा

I take this promise from my eyes

कदे ना तोड़ी साथ
में तेणु कीहंदी हा
कर छतरी दी छा
मैं चावे बहनी आ

Never leave me
I tell you
Provide me with the shade
To sit under it
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